Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Belgian bread and cheese, re-created.

Belgian bread and cheese, re-created.

 Our task was to create a Belgian bread and cheese out of poly urethane. First task was to research and choose what bread and cheese I was going to make. The most common bread that would fit into my narrative would be a home-made loaf. The cheese I selected as it was from west Flanders, this is where Ypres is located. The cheese is called Blue de gand cheese. I chose this not only for where the cheese came from but because of the look of the cheese. blue cheese is very interesting with it mix of colours and texture I thought it would be interesting to see if I could mimic these colours and texture with poly urethane.

·         First step is to carve out a blog of PU and draw the shape of your bread and cheese onto the flat surface.

·         The second step is to carve out the bread and cheese into its basic shape.

·         The third step is to sand down the shape till the surfaces match those of the cheese and bread.

·         You can choose whither to do this or not, but to add a smooth texture you add a layer of muslin to the surface using a mixture of watered down wood glue.

·         The fifth step is to add in the small aspects of the detail such as dents and texture of the cheese.

·         The sixth step is to paint the cheese and bread as realistically as you can. On top of my bread and cheese I sprinkled talcum powder to give a flour dusted finish to the objects.

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